Do we deserve nuclear power?... (Oct 2016):
Avoiding Faster Horses
Let Nuclear solve our problems... (June 2016):
Love and Nuclear Will Keep Us Together
Almost the perfect machine... (April 2016):
What a Canoe Teaches Us
Neutrinos and Nobel prizes... (December 2015):
Nobel for Old Men
You like me! You really like me! (Not)... (October 2015):
Class of 1987
May the Fourth be with you... (June 2015):
A Long Time Ago in a Company Far, Far Away
It's okay to seek knowledge... (Mar 2015):
Yes, Virginia, There is Still Science
Desperately seeking photons... (Dec 2014):
A Shot in the Dark
Avoiding the "N" Word... (Sept 2014):
A Nucleus by Any Other Name
Did you know...? (Jul 2014):
Say Whaa...?
Re-inventing a tarnished image... (Apr 2014):
Nuclear Spin
Lise Meitner and the cold facts of fission... (Dec 2013):
Snow Country for Old Men
It's enough to drive someone batty... (Sept 2013):
Everything's Coming Up Trilliums
What you don't know really can hurt you... (July 2013):
The Softer Side of Safety
Safely dealing with a real weapon of mass destruction... (March 2013):
Bomb-Grade Logic
It takes two to misunderstand... (December 2012):
Miscommunication is everything
Sustainable energy and the (possible) future of Canada's north... (October 2012):
Arctic Aspirations
A technology of a certain age... (April 2012):
Nifty at Fifty
The strong and the weak of it... (December 2011):
A Mediated Interaction By Any Other Name
Health check on the industry (October 2011):
The Half Life
A tsunami of misinformation? (July 2011):
Rock Me Fukushima
"What we have here is a failure to communicate"... (March 2011):
The Social Side of Radiation Risk
Fear mongerers unite! (December 2010):
Till Fear do us Part
There ain't no ticker-tape parade for physicists (September 2010):
On the Other Hand
Perception is everything (June 2010):
Watt's in a Name
Views of the road ahead, potholes included (April 2010):
Will the Real Nuclear Renaissance Please Stand Up?
CANDU, ahead of its time... (December 2009):
The Curious Case of CANDU
The fickle winds of nuclear power in Canada (September 2009):
And That's the Way It Is
Future reactor technology in Canada (July 2009):
Eau Lourde, It's Heavy Water!
Living under the hostile microscope (March 2009):
Unity in diversity (December 2008):
Wind is From Venus; Nuclear is From Mars
Getting behind our champions (September 2008):
The Pride and Some of the Glory
Who says Canada isn't exciting? (June 2008):
Survivor: Canada
Once upon a time, not so far away (April 2008):
Pump and Circumstance
A salute to silent success (December 2007):
That Was Then
With advantages like these, who needs disadvantages...? (October 2007):
It Was the Best of Technologies, It Was the Worst of Technologies
Five things you (maybe) didn't know (June 2007):
The Telephone and the Fuel Bundle
The changing climate of climate change (March 2007):
An Unbearable Greenness of Being
Canadian nuclear "firsts", eh? (December 2006):
It's a Wonderful Half-Life
Death by empowerment (October 2006):
A Life Less Mindful
Strong grass roots need good manure (July 2006):
Trump and Triumph
Electricity-Supply Mismanagement in Ontario (April 2006):
The Lost Years
Canadian to the core (December 2005):
Why This is CANDU Country
Let's get real (September 2005):
Refurbish Thyself
Gonzo-wannabe journalism (July 2005):
Overheard in a Café
The CANDUs are Coming! The CANDUs are Coming! (March 2005):
A Close Call for America
To feel safe, it must sound safe (December 2004):
Slightly Semantic
Complex thoughts in simpler times (September 2004):
Thoughts on a Street Corner
What to do with nuclear waste (May 2004):
All's Well That Ends Well
Increasing recognition of the need for nuclear (March 2004):
Split Atoms, Not Infinitives
Another bowl of neutrons, bartender, please (December 2003):
Once Upon a Time and Again
Wagging the dog (August 2003):
The Spam Economy
Government inaction on energy supply (May 2003):
Leaving the Barn Door Open
Electricity deregulation is for the birds (February 2003):
For the People,
Buy the People
Gas, hot air, and anti-nuclearism (November 2002):
Buddy Can You
Spare a Paradigm?
Why AECL is not like Stratford (August 2002):
Much Ado About
Rink-top fusion? (May 2002):
Bang for the Puck
40 years of nuclear power in Canada, and a whole lot more (January 2002):
Not Just Another Palindrome
Climate change, nuclear power, and rational thought (October 2001):
The Impotence of Being Earnest
The Second Nuclear Era? (June 2001):
American Booty
Off-the-grid environmental sustainability (March 2001):
Nanuke of the North
The (long) view from here (November 2000):
Great Expectations
Deregulation, privatization, tougher legislation (August 2000):
The Times They Are A-Changin'
Announcing the bouncing baby reactor (May 2000):
ZEEP Doesn't Live Here Anymore
The day they flew the MOX (January 2000):
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Public perception, and the perception of public perception (October 1999):
When Memes Collide
How the CNS logo came to be (January 1998):
The Tale of the CNS Logo