09/03/05 -
To the Peace River Record Gazette, regarding further comments and questions about nuclear power in readers' letters.
09/03/03 -
To the Ottawa Sun, regarding a recent article on Ottawa Riverkeeper's opinions of tritium content in the Ottawa River.
09/02/25 -
To the Ottawa Citizen, regarding recent media coverage of radioactive sewage sludge in Ottawa, and events at Chalk River Laboratories.
09/02/19 -
To the Peace River Record Gazette, regarding comments and questions about nuclear power in readers' letters.
09/02/01 -
To the Peace River Record Gazette, regarding attitudes around the formation of a local pro-nuclear group.
09/01/26 -
To CBC's Radio One's Quirks and Quarks, regarding a number of negative listener responses to a story on nuclear power.
08/08/11 -
To The Peace River Record-Gazette regarding a reader's letter on the subject of comparing CANDU emissions with exposure to X-rays.
08/04/04 -
To The Regina Leader-Post regarding a reader's letter on the subject of HEU use for medical radioisotopes.
08/02/12 -
To The Peace River Record-Gazette regarding the issue of bias and expertise in the nuclear debate.
08/01/27 -
To The Calgary Herald regarding a misleading article on nuclear proilferation risks.
08/01/15 -
To The Peace River Record-Gazette regarding a previous letter on tritium emissions from CANDU power plants.
07/12/27 -
To The North Renfrew Times regarding free CFL bulbs distributed to homeowners through Project Porchlight.
07/12/21 -
To The Ottawa Citizen regarding the medical radioisotope shortage caused by the Nov-Dec 2007 shutdown of the NRU reactor at Chalk River Laboratories.
07/12/11 -
Submitted to several Peace Country (Alberta) newspapers regarding a complaint by a local citizen concerning a previous speaking engagement by the author in Grimshaw, Alberta
07/10/30 -
To The Hamilton Spectator regarding an anti-nuclear article.
07/10/23 -
To The Peace River Record-Gazette regarding letters from two Grade 8 students.
07/10/02 -
To The Peace River Record-Gazette regarding general information on nuclear power concerning Albertans.
06/08/01 -
To The Beaver regarding an article on the 100th anniversary of Ontario Hydro.
06/03/24 -
To The Guelph Mercury regarding a 2006 March 18th editorial on future nuclear growth in Ontario, and the spent fuel issue.
05/12/12 -
To The Toronto Star regarding a 2005 December 10th article on future nuclear growth in Ontario, and the spent fuel issue.
05/09/23 -
To The Globe and Mail regarding a 2005 September 23rd article on the future nuclear power usage in Canada.
05/07/19 -
To The Toronto Star regarding a 2005 July 16th article on the terrorism risk in Canada.
05/06/05 -
To Canadian Geographic regarding its article "Nuclear Reflections (May/June 2005).
05/05/26 -
To the Globe and Mail regarding the release of the NWMO's Draft Study Report on high-level nuclear waste management.
05/02/27 -
To the Ottawa Citizen regarding coverage of safety and enviromental issues at AECL's Chalk River Laboratories.
04/09/18 -
To CBC Radio's science show "Quirks and Quarks" regarding a story on nuclear waste management in Canada.
04/07/07 -
To CBC Radio One News regarding story about the Pickering-A refurbishment.
04/04/28 -
To the New Brunswick Telegraph-Journal regarding a guest column by Energy Probe on the refurbishment of Pt. Lepreau.
04/03/14 -
To the Hill Times regarding an op-ed from the Green Budget Coalition.
03/12/09 -
To the Toronto Star regarding a Dec.6 article on the current amount of nuclear waste in Canada.
03/11/28 -
To the magazine Canadian Business regarding an article on the future of nuclear power in Canada.
03/11/22 -
To the Welland Tribune regarding a Nov. 21, 2003 article on the future of electricity supply in Ontario.
03/11/13 -
To the National Post regarding a an Op-Ed by Lawrence Solomon of Energy Probe which made misleading statements about nuclear liability insurance in Canada.
03/10/24 -
To the Pembroke Daily Observer regarding an coverage of a debate between Jeremy Whitlock and David Martin (Sierra Club of Canada).
03/10/24 -
To the Ottawa Citizen regarding an editorial by Susan Riley criticizing the value of nuclear development to Canadians.
03/07/08 -
Letter to the Globe and Mail regarding the Ontario government's announcement of the inclusion of nuclear power in the list of new "clean" energy sources eligible for tax incentives.
03/01/28 -
Letter to Health Canada regarding proposals to expand the
list of foods approved for the food irradiation process.
02/12/12 -
Letter to The Ottawa Citizen regarding allegations about
operational experience at the Bruce station.
02/11/28 -
Letter to The Legion Magazine regarding an article on the history
of the National Research Council.
02/11/13 -
Letter to The National Post regarding an Op-Ed by Lawrence
Solomon (Energy Probe) on 2002 November 6, on the subject of public
safety and the Nuclear Liability Act.
02/03/29 -
Letter to The National Post regarding an Op-Ed by Tom
Adams (Energy Probe) on 2002 March 20, on the subject of nuclear power
01/12/21 -
Letter to The Globe and Mail regarding comments by David Martin
(Sierra Club) on reactor vulnerability to terrorist attacks.
01/10/05 -
Letter to TVOntario's Studio 2, re: a panel discussion on the
restart of Pickering-A.
01/06/01 -
Letter to The Globe and Mail re: an anti-MOX Op-Ed piece by Prof.
Franklyn Gfiffiths.
01/05/09 -
Letter to The Toronto Star re: an editorial on nuclear power's
renaissance in North America.
01/01/17 -
Letter to The Globe and Mail re: a letter from David Martin of the
Sierra Club of Canada extolling the virtues of natural gas.
00/12/19 -
Letter to The Ottawa Citizen re: a letter from the Campaign for
Nuclear Phaseout on the future of the Canadian nuclear industry.
00/12/15 -
Letter to The North Renfrew Times re: a story on the "demise" of
the CANDU MOX plan for surplus weapons plutonium dispositioning.
00/12/14 -
Letter to The Globe and Mail re: a plan to install commercial wind
turbines on the Toronto waterfront.
00/12/04 -
Letter to The Globe and Mail re: The confusing stance of the EU on
nuclear power and global warming (response to article by Peter Cook).
00/11/21 -
Letter to The Globe and Mail re: Nuclear power's role in the
sustainable development of non-OECD countries.
00/10/02 -
Letter to The Globe and Mail re: an article on the decommissioning
of an historical facility at Chalk River Laboratories.
00/05/23 -
Letter to The National Post re: an article by Energy Probe's Norm
Rubin on the Greenhouse-Gas-amelioration potential of nuclear energy.
99/10/16 -
Letter to The Toronto Star re: an article by Thomas Walkom on
Canada's weapons-plutonium MOX proposal.
99/04/10 -
Letter to The Montreal Gazette re: a letter opposing the
weapons-plutonium MOX proposal, by Gordon Edwards of CCNR.
99/03/30 -
Letter to TVOntario's current affairs show Studio 2 re: a
statement by anti-nuclear activist David Suzuki.
99/03/23 -
Letter to CTV News re: MOX dispositioning of surplus
99/03/15 -
Letter to The Ottawa Citizen re: anti-nuclear groups opposing AECL
public relations strategy.
99/03/10 -
Letter to The Toronto Star re: nuclear waste.
98/06/23 -
Letter to The Ottawa Citizen re: an editorial on CANDU sales.
98/06/07 -
Letter to The Ottawa Citizen re: Paul McKay's article "Why CANDUs
are bomb kits" in the 1998 June 7 issue.
98/06/04 -
Letter to Maclean's Magazine re: an article on Canada's link to
the Indian nuclear explosions ("Is Canada to blame?").
98/04/14 -
Letter to CBC, re: March 26/98 "Nature of Things" episode on nuclear power.
98/03/17 -
Letter to The Globe and Mail, re: the Environmental Assessment Panel
report on Canada's nuclear waste dispoal program.
98/01/09 -
Letter to CBC "Ideas", re: a series on nuclear power.
97/09/19 -
Letter to GlobeNet, re: value of nuclear power.
97/09/10 -
Letter to The Regina Leader-Post, re: a reader's previous letter
criticizing the nuclear industry.
97/09/10 -
Letter to The Ottawa Citizen, re: Paul McKay's article about future
of CANDU technology.
97/09/03 -
Letter to GlobeNet, re: economic impact of Canadian nuclear
97/08/15 -
Letter to Peace and Environment News (based in Ottawa), re: burning
of weapons-grade Plutonium in CANDU reactors. Full text - letter was
edited for publication.
97/08/21 -
Letter to GlobeNet (website of The Globe and Mail), re:
anti-nuclear reaction to Ontario Hydro's announcement to close seven
97/08/15 -
Letter to The Globe and Mail, re: Ontario Hydro's announcement to
close seven reactors.
97/05/13 -
Letter to The Ottawa Citizen, re: Paul McKay's article about CANDU
"bomb factories".